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Module 7 A famous story

VI. 阅读理解


VII. 书面表达(示例,共80词)

Hello. I am Tony. At 8:00 pm last night, I was playing table tennis with my friends at my home. My father was drawing a picture on the desk. My mother was having a tea party with her friends at a teahouse. My sister was watching TV programme and playing with her toys. My big brother was watching my friends and me playing table tennis. My little brother was writing an email to his pen friend in the computer study.

Module 8 Accidents


1. corner 2. risk 3. attention 4. side
5. fridge 6. pain 7. medicine 8. appear
9. hit 10. bite 11. climb 12. hide
13. throw 14. pale 15. happy / glad 16. worse
17. turn
1. hit hit 2. bit bit
3. hid hidden 4. threw thrown
5. worse worst


1. cross road / go across road 2. in time
3. fall from … 4. pay attention
5. side by side 6. any others
7. pick up 8. try to so sth.
9. hurry to … / go … in a hurry 10. in great pain / be in great pain
11. … when … / … as soon as … 12. next day / the second day
13. take out … 14. like usual
15. ? 16. promise to do sth.


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)(“/”分隔所有可能)

A) 1. climb 2. attention 3. medicine 4. corner 5. glad / happy
B) 6. me 7. fell 8. frightened 9. sent 10. luckily

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. is lying
2. went to in a hurry
3. Did see
4. Where did hide
5. When did leave

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. in great pain
2. when / as soon as
3. as usual / like usual
4. notice / pay attention
5. hurry;so that / went to;in a hurry so that

V. 补全短文


VI. 阅读理解


VII. 书面表达(示例,共85词)

Hello everyone. My name is Zhang Li. I saw an accident on Longhua Lu. That is it: a boy was hit by a car. A boy was riding a bike. At the same time, he is listening to music. He did not notice that the traffic light turned red. He was crossing the road. Suddenly a car hit him, and he fell on the ground. Luckily, he did not hurt badly. Pay attention to cars and traffic lights and don’t listen to music when riding.

Module 9 Population


1. noise 2. note 3. report 4. trouble / problem / matter
5. increase 6. birth / bear / born 7. flat 8. litter / garbage / waste / rubbish
9. pupil 10. pollutuon 11. service / serve 12. prepare
13. grow 14. cause 15. solve 16. large / huge
17. quiet / slient 18. local 19. public 20. billion
21. fifth
1. pollutuon 2. fifth 3. grew grown


1. get ready for … / prepare for … 2. such as / for example
3. more than 4. population of …
5. hang on 6. write down
7. in future 8. close down / turn off
9. public service 10. solve problem
11. in fact 12. all over the world / all around the world / around the world


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)

A) 1. quiet 2. rubbish 3. solve 4. increase 5. local
B) 6. These 7. fifth 8. causes 9. education 10. comfortable

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. near
2. Hang on
3. takes them to prepare
4. with lots of people
5. What is

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. far from;near / far from;close to
2. closed down
3. In fact;public services / Actually;public services
4. The population of China;one fifth
5. Wait;record / Hang on;record

V. 完形填空


VI. 阅读理解


VII. 书面表达(示例,共80词)

The population of my city

Now the population of my city is about 2 million. Today, the population is growing fast. We are building up Hainan Free Trade Port, so many people from other provinces or countries come here and live here. That is one of the reasons of this. The increase of the population will cause traffic jams, environment pollutuon and more. But I believe the goverement, it will lead us to build a more beautiful city and Hainan.

Module 10 The weather


1. cloud 2. shower 3. snow 4. storm
5. ice 6. joke 7. temperature 8. degree
9. mile 10. northwest 11. southeast 12. Xue
13. skate 14. may / might / maybe / perhaps 15. wish 16. cloudy
17. rainy 18. snowy 19. sunny 20. windy
21. thick 22. minus / negative 23. wet 24. scary / scaring
25. neither 26. may / might / maybe / perhaps 27. around 28. although / though
1. cloudy 2. rainy 3. snowy
4. sunny / solar 5. windy 6. probably


1. between … and … 2. pretty much
3. hurry up 4. get warm
5. travel around 6. the best time to do …
7. take photo for … / take picture for … 8. all year round
9. had better (not) 10. take … with you
11. someday in future 12. any time
13. compare with … 14. have time


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)

A) 1. thick 2. strong 3. clouds 4. wet 5. storm
B) 6. windy 7. rains 8. getting 9. leaves 10. snowmen

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. What is like
2. Maybe is
3. What is
4. rainy
5. How far is it

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. What’s the air temperature / What is the air temperature
2. What’s the weather like / What is the weather like / How’s the weather / How is the weather
3. once or twice
4. to / compared to
5. Anytime if you like / Any time if you like

V. 完形填空


VI. 阅读理解


VII. 摆烂

Module 11 Way of life


1. cap / hat 2. chess 3. set 4. chopstick
5. toy 6. gift / present 7. surprise 8. difference
9. tradition 10. example 11. month 12. taste
13. experince 14. stay 15. sandwich 16. chip
17. gentelman / Mr 18. shoulder 19. fall / autumn 20. accept
21. must 22. video 23. serious 24. immediately
25. somebody 26. up
1. gentelmen 2. immediately
3. fell fallen


1. notice … / note … 2. have interest in doing sth. / be interested in doing sth. / be interested to do sth.
3. for example 4. first time
5. do cleaning / tidy up 6. (start to) know
7. get on 8. convinent meal
9. different from … / be different from … 10. each other
11. take away 12. stand in line
13. go forward with pushing / go forward in pushing 14. wait to turn to sb.
15. wait … / wait to …


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)(“/”分隔所有可能)

A) 1. gift 2. month 3. accept 4. serious 5. shoulder / shoulders
B) 6. to relax 7. watching 8. their 9. weeks’ 10. different

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. can’t any
2. No he needn’t
3. Don’t go
4. It’s to ask
5. Did notice anything

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. How surprising / How surprising she is
2. have hair cutting
3. push
4. stand in line;wait to turn to you
5. mind

V. 完形填空