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Module 11 Body language


V. 完形填空


VI. 摆烂

Module 12 Western music


1. rock 2. sound 3. violin 4. theatre / theater
5. voice 6. drum 7. musician 8. centre / center
9. century 10. believe 11. lively 12. modern
13. noisy 14. popular / pop 15. western 16. European
17. elder / old 18. poor 19. perfect 20. sad
21. two / twin 22. another 23. cross / across / through
1. musician 2. noisy 3. lively / alive
4. western 5. European 6. older


1. think of 2. go across / go through
3. in the centre of … / in the center of … 4. dance music
5. traditional music 6. pop music
7. rock fan 8. too fast / too quick / too quickly
9. not only … but also … 10. hundreds of 11. a piece of music


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)(“/”分隔所有可能)

A) 1. voice 2. lively 3. poor 4. believe 5. past / through
B) 6. successful 7. his 8. playing 9. well 10. singers

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. What a clever boy
2. What beautiful flowers
3. What noisy music
4. How famous and popular
5. or pop music

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. dance music
2. What a beautiful
3. a cake again / another cake
4. Does;on Saturday or Sunday / Does;on Saturday or on Sunday
5. has made this band famous

V. 阅读理解


VI. 摆烂(50%)
Let’s have a rest……


Module 1 How to learn English


1. pair 2. spell 3. word 4. meaning
5. sentence 6. dictionary 7. grammar 8. letter
9. mistake 10. advice / suggestion 11. notebook 12. time
13. pronunciation 14. radio 15. vocabulary 16. talk
17. pronounce 18. forget 19. correct / right 20. practice / practise
21. match 22. complete 23. understand 24. should
25. agree 26. improve 27. advise 28. suggest
29. place 30. possible / probable 31. main 32. main
33. fantastic 34. basic 35. shy 36. natural
37. aloud 38. quickly / fast
1. spelling 2. meaning 3. advise
4. pronunciation 5. natural 6. quickly
7. understood understood


1. search for / look up 2. make mistake
3. write down 4. agree with sb.
5. ask for 6. listen to radio
7. as mach as possible 8. forget to do sth.
9. talk about 10. try to do sth.
11. advise sb. to do sth. / suggest sb. do sth. 12. practise doing sth.
13. new thing / something new 14. afraid of doing sth.
15. smile at … 16. lead sb. to visit sw.


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)(“/”分隔所有可能)

A) 1. correct 2. excellent 3. improve 4. possible 5. advice / suggestion
B) 6. talking 7. words 8. quickly 9. to laugh 10. they

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. Why not join
2. Don’t be
3. suggest you practise
4. Is there anything new
5. as much as you can

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. say hello to
2. agree with
3. ?
4. ask;for help
5. made many mistakes / made a lot of mistakes / made lots of mistakes

V. 阅读理解


VI. 摆烂(75%)

Module 2 My home town and my country


1. hill 2. population 3. north 4. south
5. west 6. university 7. island 8. area
9. short 10. mountain 11. village 12. unbrella
13. become 14. wide 15. pretty 16. especially
17. million 18. than
1. got got / got gotten 2. especially


1. pretty good / pretty well 2. as … as …
3. on coast 4. in fact
5. in the 1980s 6. one day
7. be sure … 8. the population
9. remember to do sth. / remember doing sth. 10. in the east of …
11. home town 12. be famous for …
13. for example 14. a part of …
15. show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb. 16. more than


I. 单项选择


II. 用所给形容词的适当形式填空(又是新游戏哦)(每空一词)

1. taller 2. nicer 3. fatter 4. heavier 5. bigger smaller

III. 词汇(答案为完整单词)

A) 1. south 2. than 3. low 4. especially 5. population
B) 6. places 7. to get 8. that 9. quickly 10. more beautiful

IV. 句型转换(每空一词)(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. is from / comes from
2. a population of
3. What’s population
4. What’s the weather like / How is the weather
5. older than

V. 根据汉语意思完成句子

1. as beautiful as
2. a population of
3. near the sea
4. is famous for
5. in the west of

VI. 完形填空


VII. 阅读理解


VIII. 摆烂(100%,严重超标)

Module 3 Sports


1. baseball 2. volleyball 3. trouble / problem / matter 4. Olympics
5. stadium 6. coach 7. practice 8. pity
9. chance 10. score / point / mark 11. hurt 12. miss
13. mind 14. beat 15. train 16. warm
17. pass 18. boring 19. exciting 20. relaxing
21. interesting 22. careless 23. usual 24. better
25. after-school 26. happy 27. confident 28. already
29. loudly 30. lot 31. against
1. Olympic / Olympics 2. enjoyable 3. aloud / loudly
4. bored 5. excited 6. pleased
7. careless 8. relaxed 9. better
10. hurt hurt 11. beat beat


1. have chance … 2. a lot
3. not … but … 4. play against …
5. in order to 6. warm up
7. practise hard 8. beat sb.
9. lose to sb. 10. final game / final match / final competition
11. have chance … 12. feel confident
13. cheer … 14. that’s because … / that is because …


I. 单项选择


II. 将下列形容词转化为副词(咋又是新游戏)

1. slowly 2. heavily 3. terribly 4. happily
5. busily 6. safely 7. carefully 8. well
9. truly 10. fast 11. early 12. late

III. 词汇(答案为完整单词)

A) 1. chance 2. against 3. pleased 4. relaxing 5. practice
B) 6. taking 7. tired 8. themselves 9. stronger 10. to lose

IV. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. the most exciting
2. lost to
3. later than
4. What’s the matter
5. What is your

V. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. warming up
2. much more interesting
3. a lot of / lots of
4. cheer;up
5. as carefully as

VI. 补全短文