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Module 8 Choosing presents


V. 阅读理解


VI. 摆烂

Module 9 People and places


1. postcard 2. sun 3. line 4. travel / journey / trip
5. sell / sale 6. hot dog 7. restaurant 8. moment
9. place 10. thing 11. star 12. call / dial
13. lie 14. put 15. wait 16. walk
17. drive 18. leave 19. run 20. learn / study
21. few 22. most 23. although / though 24. still
25. off 26. enjoy
1. took taken 2. drove driven
3. lay lay / lied lied 4. sell 5. driver


1. stand in line 2. wait for
3. join in school travel / join in school trip / take part in school travel / take part in school trip 4. at the moment
5. take photo / take picture / take photograph 6. a few
7. on sale 8. back to school
9. get off 10. have drink


I. 单项选择

注:第8题选A选B都对,few是“很少”,a few是“几个”

II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)(“/”分隔所有可能)

A) 1. restaurant 2. drive 3. still 4. However 5. moment
B) 6. interesting / sunny 7. are taking 8. are playing 9. surprised 10. sunny / interesting

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. What is doing
2. Who is
3. How does send
4. aren’t sleeping
5. going by

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. visit friends / visit my friends
2. forgets homework / forgets his homework
3. is calling home / is calling home now / is now calling home / is calling to home / is calling to home now / is now calling to home
4. stand in line / stand in line now / now stand in line
5. am talking to you / am talking to you now / am now talking to you / am talking with you / am talking with you now / am now talking with you

V. 任务型读写

1. Because hotels, food and airplane tickets are too expensive.
2. They take care of pets for rich house owners.
3. The places she stays and the food she eats.
4. take care
5. Some people travel around the world. (答案不唯一)
注:第4题原文中的“looked after”是过去时

VI. 书面表达(示例,共70词)

Dear Mike,
I finished today’s lessons. It is half past four now. Some are playing football and some are drawing. Others are singing songs to prepare their singing competition. Tony is playing chess with me now. Lily is studying hard in the classroom. It is sunny and cool now. Why are they playing football? Because my school is now having a football match! I hope to see they win!

Module 10 Spring Festival


1. lantern 2. dance / dancing 3. floor 4. meal
5. festival 6. Christmas 7. February 8. January
9. luck 10. table / desk 11. dumpling / jiaozi 12. programme / program
13. sweater 14. coat 15. clean 16. sweep
17. cook 18. talk 19. happen 20. join
21. hurry / quick / quickly 22. celebrate / celebration 23. mean 24. tell
25. ready 26. beautiful 27. hard / difficult 28. traditional
29. lucky 30. pretty 31. away 32. before
1. meant meant 2. told told
3. swept swept 4. spoke spoken
5. lucky 6. traditional


1. sweep floor 2. get ready for …
3. at work / be working 4. put away
5. hurry up 6. have a look
7. sweep away 8. bad luck
9. on Christmas / on Christmas Day 10. merry Christmas / happy Christmas Day


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)

A) 1. meals 2. sweep 3. join 4. celebrate 5. February
B) 6. Chinese 7. traditional 8. most important 9. is called 10. places

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. Have got any
2. How often does
3. What are doing
4. now
5. am not making

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. ready for
2. cook meals
3. before the lesson / before the starting of the lesson / before the beginning of the lesson
4. making lanterns
5. works;hard / is working;hard

V. 补全短文


VI. 任务型读写(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. Upside down. / They stick it upside down.
2. On the eve of the lunar New Year. / They begin on the eve of the lunar New Year.
3. 15 days. / They last 15 days.
4. talking
5. Spring Festival. (答案不唯一)

VII. 摆烂(2周目)
Let’s have a break……


Module 1 Lost and found


1. crayon 2. eraser 3. glove 4. wallet
5. watch 6. tape 7. purple 8. camera
9. telephone 10. plane / airplane / aeroplane 11. taxi 12. airport
13. ship / boat 14. duck 15. pig 16. sausage
17. lose / loose / loss 18. find 19. leave 20. careful
21. strange 22. whose 23. mine / my 24. yours / your
25. hers / her 26. why 27. hundred 28. thousand / kilo
1. lost lost 2. mine
3. found found 4. hers
5\, left left 6. yours
7. careful / careless


1. first of all 2. lost and found box
3. be careful of … 4. from now on
5. mobile phone 6. lost and found office
7. in hurry 8. hundreds of
9. look for


|      |you     |he     |she    |it    |we       |you       |they      |
|      |you     |him    |her    |it    |our      |you       |them      |


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)(“/”分隔所有可能)

A) 1. photo / photograph 2. hurry 3. strange 4. taxi 5. purple
B) 6. shoes 7. fast 8. quickly 9. asks 10. them

III. 句型转换(每空一词)(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. Is Daming’s
2. Whose is / Whose watch’s
3. Whose gloves
4. When do
5. How many do have

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. First / First of all
2. Quick / Hurry up / Be quick
3. That’s why / That is why
4. looking for;find it
5. forget things

V. 完形填空


VI. 任务型读写(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. In central London. / It’s in central London. / It is in central London.
2. A box of false teeth.
3. Six months. / 6 months.
4. the list / our list
5. The Transport Lost and Found Office. (答案不唯一)

VII. 摆烂(3周目)

Module 2 What can you do?


1. tennis 2. piano 3. club 4. term
5. board 6. monitor 7. ball / sphere 8. team
9. score / point / mark 10. kite 11. play 12. ride
13. worry 14. teach 15. promise 16. fly
17. swim / swimming 18. all 19. pleased 20. fast
21. healthy / well 22. best 23. tidy 24. sure
25. then 26. just 27. everybody
1. flew flown 2. teacher
3. swam swum 4. best


1. want to do sth. / would like to do sth. 2. like this
3. worry about … 4. get on well with sb.
5. be pleased to do sth. 6. promise to do sth.
7. join school team 8. do cleaning
9. be like 10. make our classroom beautiful


I. 单项选择


II. 词汇(答案为完整单词)

A) 1. ride 2. team 3. starting 4. monitor 5. promises
B) 6. interesting 7. students 8. drawing 9. are 10. their

III. 句型转换(每空一词)

1. Can dance
2. is good at
3. What would
4. What is doing
5. How

IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子(“/”分隔所有可能)

1. can’t speak;well / cannot speak;well / can not speak;well
2. names of the clubs;choose your favourite / names of the clubs;choose your favorite
3. get on well with
4. would;like to / is;pleased to
5. I’m sure;wants / I am sure;wants / I’m sure;would like / I am sure;would like